After a few minutes I found out how to enable USB debugging on my phone: In my case I had to Google how to enable USB debugging for my specific phone, since the instructions PhoneRescue gave me weren’t applicable (there was no “About device” option for me and so on). PhoneRescue provides some instructions for how to do this: Once PhoneRescue has recognized your phone, it’ll then need USB debugging to be turned on in your phone for it to work. You’ll then be prompted to connect your phone to your computer via USB: This should be done within a couple of minutes:
Once you’ve downloaded the software from (only download PhoneRescue from there - nowhere else), open the installer and you’ll be prompted to install either the iOS or Android version: In this review, I’ll test it on my own phone and PC, answer the main questions people are asking about it, and advise whether I recommend using it or not. PhoneRescue by iMobie is a tool for recovering data on your iOS or Android phone.
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